You have a 45 year old female patient who calls complaining of chest pain. The office staff asks you if they should work her in today or schedule her for tomorrow or send her to the ER.Upon further questioning she tells them she thinks it is just anxiety and she refuses to go the ER either way. She has no significant medical history and is overall in good health and a non-smoker. What is your next step in this situation? (do you get on the phone and triage/treat? do you schedule her for later that day or the next day? do you advise her to go the ER anyway, knowing she will not go?) Do you think it is a good idea for medical offices to have policies and procedures in place for these types of cases? How does this affect provider liability? 275 word. 2 References. APA format2. Physical assessment for coronary heart disease and chest pain. Include new ideas, personal perspectives and examples, or relevant follow-up questions. Further the discussion with your thoughts, analysis, research, and examples from practice that are related to our course topics and questions posed. 275 word. 2 References. APA format3. Myocardial infarction assessment. Include new ideas, personal perspectives and examples, or relevant follow-up questions. Further the discussion with your thoughts, analysis, research, and examples from practice that are related to our course topics and questions posed. 275 word. 2 References. APA format4. Evaluation of heart murmurs infants vs elderly. Include new ideas, personal perspectives and examples, or relevant follow-up questions. Further the discussion with your thoughts, analysis, research, and examples from practice that are related to our course topics and questions posed. 275 word. 2 References. APA format . . The post You have a 45 year old female patient who calls complaining of chest pain. The office staff asks you if they should work her in today or schedule her for tomorrow or send her to the ER. appeared first on Nursing Homeworks.
You have a 45 year old female patient who calls complaining of chest pain. The office staff asks you if they should work her in today or schedule her for tomorrow or send her to the ER.
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