Please select a movie from the movie list to watch and write a reflection paper. The purpose of this reflection paper is not only to review the film or acting but for you to:Provide a brief summary of the movie you watched and why you chose that movie.Identify at least two (2) issues that resonated with you.Discuss why those issues stood out to you.Reflect on how those issues raised in the movie relate to the content we have covered so far in this course.Other requirements:2 pagesDouble spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt fontYou are welcome to team up with a classmate(s) to view the movie you have chosen.ElementPointsIdentify and explain 2 issues from movie5Movie Summary5How movie relates to class content5Writing is clear, e.g. complete sentences, correct spelling, etc.5Possible movies that you could watch:PreciousAll We HadLittle Pink HouseLosing IsaiahGirl In ProgressWhere’s DaddyYou can find some of the movies on Amazon Prime, Hulu or YouTube..