*****ORIGINAL WORK ONLY PLEASE. NO PLAGIARISM. YOUR WORK WILL BE CHECK FOR AUTHENTICITY AND QUALITY OF WORK. NO GRAMMATICAL ERRORS OR POOR WRITING SKILLS.*****PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH ACTIVITIES. AND READ THE COURSE MATERIAL TO PROPERLY COMPLETE THIS TASK.Activity 1Think of a situation in your job in which you need to communicate a negative message.Develop a written message that states the message clearly.Describe how you would present the negative message in personDraw on the four parts of a negative message reviewed in the text (see attached chapter 17):(1) Buffer or cushion(2) Explanation(3) Negative News(4) RedirectActivity 2Select one of the scenarios from the Scenarios for Crisis Communication file attached and develop a crisis communication plan for your selected scenario. See Section 17.3 Crisis Communication Plan (starts on page 26 of chapter 17) of the text to learn about the components of an effective crisis plan.FORMAT:APA style with double-spacing, Times New Roman, 12 point font, in-text citations using the chapter attached below, and references page.****All questions/statements must be answered directly.****this website