Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? Why?(ZO HASH 5/30 A dependent variable is what is measured in an experiment. It is the assessment of how the dependent variable responds to change occurring in the independent variable. The thing that is changed in the experiment is the independent variable. An independent variableâs value does not depend on, nor is it affected by the other variables (Helmenstine, A.M., 2020). My proposed project is on patient education on fluid management as an evidence-based practice in the management of fluids in patients with end-stage renal disease. The independent variable in the project is patient education. Patient education will include informing patients about the types of foods to eat, fluid intake, salt intake, physical exercise, and compliance with medications. The dependent variable is 30-day readmissions due to fluid overload and shortness of breath. This is the dependent variable because it is influenced by patient education (Spruce, 2015). The number of 30-day hospital readmissions will be compared before and after the implementation of the education program. It is expected that cases of readmissions will reduce significantly after patients undergo the education sessions. So, for the purpose of my project, I am wanting to find out how targeted patient education (independent variable) in fluid overload in end-stage renal patients has on readmission rates (dependent variable) to an acute care setting. That is an interesting project. All too often, I think, while we provide education to patients, we donât really slow down to find out how well the patient/family truly understands or retains the information. The information generally isnât re-introduced very well. . All my planning is to have materials available for the patient so they can refer back to can be very beneficial. Additionally, it would be imperative to create this information in concise language at a standard readability level to further ensure comprehension on the patients part. ReferenceHelmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2020). What are independent and dependent variables? ThoughtCo. Retrieved from, L. (2015). Back to basics: Implementing evidence-based practice. AORN Journal, 101(1), 106-114. ********PLEASE REPLY TO POST ABOVE****this website
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