Topic 2: Stigma Associated with DiseaseSome vulnerable populations may have diseases, health impairments, and pregnancy that bring humiliation and predisposed judgment. Unfortunately, these health conAugust 19, 2020/in Health and Mendical /by JosephTopic 2: Stigma Associated with DiseaseSome vulnerable populations may have diseases, health impairments, and pregnancy that bring humiliation and predisposed judgment. Unfortunately, these health conditions can cause vulnerable populations to become ostracized by the general public.What ways would you choose to function as an advocate for vulnerable populations?Discuss the types of assistance you might provide to each of the following clients:A 24-year-old pregnant woman who is currently homeless and unmarriedA 16-year-old girl who has run away from her foster home and who has an IV drug habitAn immigrant worker whose TB skin test just came back positiveAn employed, married man who contracted Hepatitis B through a blood transfusion 30 years ago.
Topic 2: Stigma Associated with DiseaseSome vulnerable populations may have diseases, health impairments, and pregnancy that bring humiliation and predisposed judgment. Unfortunately, these health con
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