The Use of Technology in Health Care, Research Paper Example
Health outcomes
A number of computer systems, applications and / or devices have been developed to encourage and support changes in behavior of people and have experienced a significant change in recent years. Due to the introduction of mobile computing technology people are more conscious about their health. They can get health awareness without stepping out of their homes. It is estimated that of the 1.7 trillion dollars spent on health care, less than 4% is directed to prevention and public health. This highlights the need for prevention activities that help reduce costs and improve the quality of life of people. The Use of Technology in Health Care, Research Paper Example
The persuasive technology has enabled the development of innovative and cost-effective targeting primary or secondary intervention. One of the advantages of using these technologies and mobile devices is the ability to carry them almost everywhere by a growing percentage of the population, therefore, be used, for example, to convey messages of motivation to maintain a state of health right. These technologies can play three important roles in the process of persuasion to adopt new behaviors, especially those aimed at health care. They can act as a tool, as a means and as a social actor. As a tool, technology can persuade people to perform a certain behavior, can guide and motivate the person during this process or can facilitate calculations or measures such as the amount of calories in a meal (Nyongesa, 2011).
Organizational performance The Use of Technology in Health Care, Research Paper Example
Improve Efficiency and effectiveness of Health Services
The dependence on social networking has been considerably increased these days. The Mobile computing technology supports doctors to make their access possible to other doctors in order to take second opinion. These mobile gadgets also give advantages to doctors while working in dissimilar offices in other cities. Social networks have changed the role of the computer simply automate administration in health care. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, Foursquare and Google, and are rapid coverage by users has increased. Social networks are undoubt a torrent of data that provides huge business platforms, both in terms of brand management as opening new market channels (Bose, 2012). The Use of Technology in Health Care, Research Paper Example
Quality and safety
The use of mobile computing technology saves the time of patients and gives the sense of safe and quality health care service. The visits of patients have considerably reduced in the hospitals. Doctors can be contacted more easily and effectively with the help of health care app in the smart phone. Doctors can communicate with their patients with no need of physical contact.
Profitability through reducing costs
Mobile computing technology has considerably reduced the cost of health care. Patients can contact their doctor with the help of phone instead of visiting physically. The replacement of digital record keeping can save a lot of money and time and in that particular saved time a lot of useful tasks can be done (Kotz, 2012). The Use of Technology in Health Care, Research Paper Example
Care coordination
The data integration technologies offer a powerful, unified approach to harness the enormous volumes of data from social networks and turn them into a competitive resource. Data from social networks can be analyzed, add and standardize in any format and prepared for analysis of customer behavior. Such analysis can facilitate powerful new ideas to enhance relationship management (CRM) as well as more traditional marketing strategies. With the help of mobile computing the best care coordination system can be established (Bose, 2012). The Use of Technology in Health Care, Research Paper Example
Adesina, A. O., Agbele, K. K., Februarie, R., Abidoye, A. P., & Nyongesa, H. O. (2011). Ensuring the security and privacy of information in mobile health-care communication systems. South African Journal Of Science, 107(9/10), 26-32.
Avancha, S., Baxi, A., & Kotz, D. (2012). Privacy in mobile technology for personal healthcare. ACM Computing Surveys, 45(1), 3:1-3:54. doi:10.1145/2379776.2379779
Helal, A. A., & Bose, R. (2012). Mobile platforms and development environments. San Rafael, Calif.: Morgan & Claypool. The Use of Technology in Health Care, Research Paper Example