TERM RESEARCH:CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR ORGANIZING PRINCIPLES OF NERVOUS SYTEM.TOPIC( Behavior): DANCE AND SIMPLE BALANCE, species:mammals,humans, cell type: perkinji cells, Brain region: cerebellum, sensor:vestibular and proprioceptive, motor system: whole body musculature. NOTE*** focus ONLY ON THE Electro-excitability.The Power Point slide : The slide should include each of the above roles . then answers to the questions posed inthe roles , the citations to the sources of these answers and the references ( in APA format ) for all the literature*cited. In addition to the role answers the slide must also include a group summary statement about the role ofthis cell in the central nervous system and at least one graph of figure ( for example an image of the cell type toshow its morphology ) _ Across the top of the slide should be a title which is the name of the cell type and speciesit is found in and beneath that the names of the team members Initials of the student that took each role shouldappear next to the answer they supplied. An example of the format for the slide is on our blackboard site withthisassignment . Your Powerpoint slide must*` benamedin the followingformat*NEU SIT TRPOL GROUPHH Species System. pot.Literature search and citation : Each student will be required to provide sources for the answers in APA styleformat citations and referendevences . These must be included on the submitted group summary slide for full credit.The citations should go on the slide used during presentation. The complete peer-reviewed references shouldbe on a second slide that is not used during the presentation The students redIs responsible for those referencesshould indicate this by their names next to the reference. If students are unaunable to find the appropriate peer -reviewed literature they should find the nearest match then*^he can and cite that for 80 credit If the student doesnot find any answers then including the search terms entered Into the BC library literature engine may besupplied along with the students best guess and reasoning for`Of` credit*Grading .`Individual student scores*809% accuracy and completeness citations and reference of the answers to the student*OO10 ` accuracy and completeness of the presentation of the group summary ( on the occasionwhen the student presents the group results in class)`.Group scores ( applied to each individual for the group product!10% Group summary accuracy and completeness Every group member is responsible for theOcontent the presenters report .*5% Figure. Every group member is responsible for the content and form of the figure .*O5% Following APA format for citations and references. Every group member is responsible forOthe content and form of the figure*.
The Power Point slide : The slide should include each of the above roles . then answers to the questions posed in the roles , the citations to the
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