*****PLEASE USE ACADEMIC SOURCES ONLY***** (no wiki, or anything like that)Research paper on: Jane AustenPaper should include a biography of the woman you selected, struggles/challenges your person may have encountered, and her contributions to society.Consult at least 4 academic sources. Your sources should be listed on works cited page (works cite page does not count towards the 3-4 pages in length).Please cite using Chicago style footnotes.https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/cmos_formatting_and_style_guide/books.html1.5 or Double space.No cover page.Please upload your paper to Canvas by the time your class begins and bring a print copy (stapled) on the due date to class as well.Proper grammarAvoid I statementsThey/we/our: They who? BE SPECIFICAvoid Contractions: cant, dont, isnt, Cannot, do not, is notAvoid talks aboutCapitalize: Titles, Place Names, Proper Names Always use authors Last name (after first full name use), rather than first nameAbbreviations: US/U.S.: United States (U.S.) spell out first usePunctuation inside quotation marks Americans wanted independence.[1][1]Eric Foner, Voices of Freedom(New York: W.W. Norton, 2014), 303..
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