Post Colonialism Example Paper
Could you write up an easy 500 words blog entry on ?Post colonialism? ?Post Colonialism Example Paper
QUESTION: How, and to what extent, do gendered, racial and cultural norms underpin the theory and practice of world politics?
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The last few centuries saw the invasion of European colonial masters into various lands and territories all over the world, where the invading nations sought to extend their authority over the lands they inhabited.Post Colonialism Example Paper They imposed their religion, economics, medicinal practices and ways of life on the natives(Seth, 2011). It is the basis of colonialism and after the Second World War, the majority of colonial practices and systems ended, where natives gained independence. Post colonialism is the academic study of the legacy colonialism and imperialism left, primarily paying attention to the human consequences of the control and exploitation of the colonized and their lands(Sabaratnam, 2011).
On a deeper level, post colonialism addresses the social and political relationships which sustain colonialism and Neo-colonialism. They include the social, cultural and political narratives surrounding both the colonizer and the colonized(Sabaratnam, 2011).Post Colonialism Example Paper As a result, such studies tend to overlap with modern history and critical theory, drawing examples from human geography, political science sociology, history, philosophy and anthropology. Postcolonial studies also examine the effects of colonial rule over the practice of anarchism, religion, culture and feminism(Seth, 2011).
Gender, race and culture play a vital role in the contemporary understanding of the theory and practice of world politics. The three are some of the most powerful conditions n our lives. They operate at multiple levels, both the local national, regional and global levels(Persaud& Sajed, 2018). As none of them is organic, they are all products of human thinking and human actions. They profoundly influence international relations in a postcolonial world. The third world has been a maker of the global system, in as much as it has been made by it(Persaud& Sajed, 2018). The same applies to race, gender and culture; they have been shaped by post colonialism, and they have, at the same time, shaped world politics.
Race, for instance, has structured modern politics, so much so that most developed countries have become multicultural(Seth, 2011). In the US, for example, the marginalized races have become empowered, to the point that the state had a black President for eight years, between 2009 and 2016(Persaud& Sajed, 2018).Post Colonialism Example Paper Even in Hollywood, one of the world?s largest movie producer, each movie or television program produced today, has to have characters of from various races. The same applies to gender that women have to have a role in any significant production. The formerly disenfranchised women, make up a sizeable share of the political world today, in Presidential, Senatorial, Gubernatorial seats as well as other equivalent roles(Persaud& Sajed, 2018). Even the LGBTQ community, has been busy in achieving equal standards as the heterosexuals, to the point that they have also been elected in positions of leadership.
In a post-colonial world, nations have attained independence, the previously known vast empires have been reduced to international and regional societies such as the European Union and the majority of the countries have joined the United Nations, a post-World War body created with the intention of achieving harmony and peace among nations(Seth, 2000).Post Colonialism Example Paper Gender, race and culture have indeed revolutionized the world we inhabit fundamentally (Seth, 2000).
Persaud, R. B. & Sajed, A. (2018). Race, Gender, and Culture in International Relations. Postcolonial Perspectives. Abingdon & New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
Sabaratnam, M. (2011). IR in Dialogue ? but Can We Change the Subjects?Post Colonialism Example Paper A Typology of Decolonising Strategies for the Study of World Politics. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 39(3), 781?803.
Seth, S. (2011). Postcolonial Theory and the Critique of International Relations. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 40 (1), 167-183.
Seth, S. (2000). A ?Postcolonial World??. In: Fry G., O?Hagan J. (eds) Contending Images of World Politics. Palgrave: London.
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