Tahmid AhmedProject planning is essential for preparation, execution and completion of a project.Project planning helps breakdown all the objectives, needs, resources and timelines within the scope of the project. Planning all the details out help categorize work load and assess if certain objectives and tasks are feasible for the group.Another necessity for project planning is budget planning. It is paramount to be able to gauge a good estimate of the cost of the overall project. There may be some unexpected costs here and there with any project, but being able to get a good estimate helps a lot to prepare. Within budget planning can be resources, equipment and even vendor expenses.Overall, in my opinion, project planning is always changing throughout the project duration as things always comes up and the project team and even primary stakeholder must adjust.Reply | Show Replies (3) NEWHisham ObaidDear Professor,The planning process for a projected proposal aids the overall structure of the project in various ways. Initially, planning a project requires identifying the project for which the project will address, which is named the “problem statement.” Once the problem is identified in the planning stage, we need to set specific and measurable objectives for the project, which are called outputs. Then we proceed to establish activities for each output, which are all aligned to the overall project results. At the same time, we prepare a timeframe for the project and its activities. Also, the project activities need a budget for which at the planning stage, appraisal of activities is conducted to understand how much this project will cost. This is all undertaken in the inception and formalization stage of the project. Once we have a clear objective, we then proceed to plan project staff and HR requirements of the project. At this stage, each position is assigned a specific activity or output under their respective responsibility.Once the project plan is drafted, we need to assess project implementation risks and establish contingency plans for project implementation. As discussed, planning is the most time-consuming task in the project life-cycle because successful projects have comprehensive plans.Thank you.this website