This is a group presentation but this is the part i have to present with pictures. Everything below should be included please. Please i need a good powerpoint presentation that covers all.  1.     Philosophical underpinnings of the theory. (This section is worth 100points.)a.     What was the worldview that influenced the theory? Consider the world events or movements taking place during the time of the theorist’s life, such as a social perspective; the role of women and men; and health, including disease, health care, nursing, and medicine.b.     What fundamental philosophies and disciplines are reflected in the theorist’s work? Address philosophies or theories that served as a foundation of the theorist’s work, such as Talcott Parsons’ view of social systems, Von Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory, etc. It is also important to describe any disciplines that aided the theorist’s work, such psychology, biology, and anthropology.c.     A key part of this presentation is the “how” part. You need to link how these philosophical underpinnings influenced the theorist’s development of the theory.this website