Obtain 70 to 80 mL of potassium hydroxide solution in a clean beaker. / Obtain 70 to 80 mL of hydroiodic acid solution in a clean beaker./ Set up the burette to contain the hydroiodic acid solution./ Record the initial burette reading. / Pipette a 10.00 mL sample of hydroiodic acid into a volumetric ask. Add 2-3 drops of bromothymol blue indicator./ Slowly add the titrant to the sample solution until a subtle colour change has occurred. Swirl vigorously.Record the final burette reading / Dispose contents of the ask safely and clean the ask./ Repeat steps 4 to 7 until you obtain three consecutive trials within 0.5 to 1.0 mL of each other. titration procedure is provided what are the 3errors that occur in the procedure..
Obtain 70 to 80 mL of potassium hydroxide solution in a clean beaker. / Obtain 70 to 80 mL of hydroiodic acid solution in a clean beaker./ Set up the
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