Classification is the art of organizing objects, topics, or events that have common characteristics together. Writing a classification essay, therefore, involves arranging several themes or topics that share similar properties in a paper setting. The purpose of writing a classification essay is to help organize ideas and thoughts into categories where any events or suggestions that discuss the same things are placed under one category.

Classification essay writing is not popular by demand. Most instructors prefer to assess the student?s writing skills and knowledge about their courses by assigning argumentative, narrative, reflective, or persuasive essays. Writing a classification essay is easy once you understand the basic rules and requirements.

In this article, you will learn what is a classification essay and what it entails, how to outline and format a classification essay, tips for writing a classification essay that will score you good grades, and division and classification essay topics, among others. If you have any questions concerning your classification essay writing, feel free to contact our academic paper writing experts for assistance.

What is a Classification Essay

If you are going to write a classification essay, then you first need to understand what is a classification essay. The simplest way to define a classification essay is that it is a piece of writing that formally demonstrates categorization and generalization skills. You can do that by presenting educative and informative examples of relevant topics that you can use for this type of essay.

When writing this kind of essay, it is important to arrange things into groups and give relevant examples for that group. You can choose a method that is easy for you to classify things but ensure you explain your reasoning.

Importance of Writing a Successful Classification Essay

A well-written classification essay will help you to communicate to the reader in a way that will be easy for them to read and analyze your ideas and thoughts. That will determine the grade you will score for the essay. Thus, you should put effort and time to research, choosing a topic, outlining, drafting, and editing your piece.

Classification Essay Outline

Whether in high school or college, your course instructor is most likely to assign you to write a classification essay at some point. That helps them know whether students know to categorize data and information based on certain aspects. It might seem like a huge task crafting a classification essay but once you understand the requirements, research, and outline your work, it will be easy.

A classification essay outline schematically presents the main points of your essay. It will help you to know how to structure and present the main point in your writing. In an outline, you use numerals or bullets to present each point in a sentence and explain its essence.

How to Structure Your Classification Essay

Learning how to structure your classification essay is one of the key things you should consider before you begin the writing process. For this article, we will use a five-paragraph essay structure. If your essay is a long one you can add more body paragraphs to meet the required word count. Below is a basic structure of a classification essay.

Introductory Paragraph 

Like every other essay, you begin your classification essay with an introduction. Identify your topic, state the purpose of your subject, and what you are classifying. Conclude your introductory paragraph with a thesis statement. Here you identify the categories and give a clear and concise explanation of the criteria for them.

Body Paragraphs 

If you are writing a short classification essay, your body paragraph will consist of three sections. In each section introduce a new category, explain the criteria for them, and supporting information in the form of examples. State their strength and weaknesses as well. As you proceed to the next category or section, use a connecting sentence to bring uniformity and flow to your content.


In this paragraph, you bring together the various categories that you discussed in your body paragraph. As you finalize your classification essay, briefly give a summary of each category. Depending on the instructions and the topic of discussion, you may give a recommendation and emphasize why you concluded so.

Writing a Classification Essay

Now that you have an idea of how to structure a classification essay, the next thing you should understand is how to plan and write the paper. To properly and successfully write this kind of essay you need a clear plan.

Below are some of the key classification essay planning tips that you need to pay attention to:

Brainstorm the ideas

This tip applies mostly when the instructor hasn?t limited you to a specific topic. Brainstorm a few potential ideas, events, or things for your classification essay that you can logically divide and group together. Think of something that falls into categories that leave room for comparison. Be keen not to choose a subject that falls into too many categories.

Generally, depending on the word count requirements, you should aim for at least three to five categories for your classification essay. 

Choose Your Categories

Once you choose a suitable topic think about the categories you will split it into. You need to determine from which angle you will be approaching your topic since some topics may have multiple options.

For instance, if the topic is about people, would you group them based on their gender, age, race, social class, blood group, etc.? Ensure that each category contains a basis for classification.

Organize your ideas

Consider how you are going to organize the categories and how you will present them. You can use bullet points or numerals to note your main points of discussion for each category. Before you begin writing a new category, it is good to revisit the previous ones for comparison. 

You then can use transition and linking sentences to ensure that the points flow well and clarify sentences.

Develop a thesis statement

A classification essay thesis statement is a part of the introduction paragraph. It determines the approach you use to write your piece. Developing a thesis will help you to stay on track while writing. Begin by stating the objects or topics you are dividing into groups, list the groups, and explain the criteria used to group them.

Tips for Successfully Crafting a Successful Classification Essay
Focus on the main idea

For every kind of essay that you will write, ensure you go straight to the main idea. Give detailed information on your point and your arguments. Use short and clear sentences as you elaborate on your points.

Sub-section your paper

Separate your paper. Indicate where your paragraphs start and where they end. That will create a flow within your paper making it easy for the reader to understand the content of your classification essay.

Edit, revise, and proofread your piece

This process is very key for your essay. It helps you to identify and correct grammar errors, punctuation mistakes, unnecessary words and sentences, etc. It also helps you to revise your classification essay to ensure that you?ve followed all the instructions and guidelines as given by your instructor.

Eliminate wordy sentences and words that question your confidence such as maybe, I guess, probably, etc. You can give the draft to your classmate, roommate, or mentor to help you identify these errors.

Division and Classification Essay Topics

Division and classification essay topics that will allow you to categorize your subjects include:

Parenting styles in the modern world
Strategies used by students to prepare for exams
Teaching Styles in high school vs College
The commonly used electronic gadgets for educational purposes
Rock music types and their evolution
Factions within the Republican party
Factions within the Democratic party
Kinds of posts on social media
Determinants of successful relationships
Ways of improving child-parent Relationships
Motives for starting podcasts
Learning strategies used by college students
Main applications for iPhone
Decision-making strategies in business
Leadership Styles and leadership theories
Conflict resolution strategies in organizations
Stress management strategies
Origins and types of music genres
Ways of managing bipolar disorder and mental illnesses
Motives behind healthy living
Categories and Durations of music eras
Types of organizational structures in Healthcare
Types of indoor plants
Different Ways of Producing on a Movie Set
Online dating
Spending habits among teenagers
Types of online gamers
Activities for new couples
Extracurricular activities high school students love to engage in
Online academic writing services
Tourist attracting destinations

No matter which topic you choose for your classification essay, always remember to follow the academic writing standards. Plan your work and note down the key ideas to prevent things from getting mixed up when crafting. You can contact our experts to provide you with classification essay examples that will inspire and guide you.

Do You Need Professional Help with Your Essay?

If the deadlines are fast- approaching and you have no idea of where to begin your classification essay, you do not need to worry. We offer online academic paper writing services to students across the world. Whether it is a case study, dissertation, test, exam, essay, or any other kind of assignment, contact us at .

All you need to do is contact us via our customer service team, they will give you an order form that you will fill out and present, give us your instructor?s guidelines, and any other information necessary for your classification essay. We will craft, edit and present a quality paper to you before the deadline. Let us solve your essay problems today!