How do these recommendations compare to what is seen in your textbook, clinical setting, or nursing journals?INFORMATICSInformatics PaperWorth 10% of the overall grade 100 Points possible Each question is worth 33.3%(No abstract is needed)1. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention web site and prepare a brief descriptive report of the informatics-based community health education tools present on the site. For example, the CDC has downloadable podcasts and RSS feeds, health e-cards to send to friends, and tag clouds.2. Visit the National Guidelines Clearinghouse web site at a. Type ?nursing? in the search box to limit the results to those that are within the boundaries of nursing practice b. Choose one of the guidelines and describe how it was developed and summarize the practice recommendations c. How do these recommendations compare to what is seen in your textbook, clinical setting, or nursing journals?3. Visit and register for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement?s open school at Complete at least two of the IHI?s open school courses. You may choose any two courses, these do not need to be taken in order. Write a brief (2-3 paragraphs), reflective essay on the role of nursing informatics and healthcare technology in improving quality patient care and healthcare safety based on what you learned from the IHI courses. Follow APA 6th edition guidelines for this paper including title page, running head, headings, page numbers, and reference page. An abstract is not required. The Purdue online writing lab, the APSU writing lab and the APA style manual (6th edition) should be referred to in formatting this paper. Up to 5 points may be deducted from the total grade for incorrect formatting . US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT The post How do these recommendations compare to what is seen in your textbook, clinical setting, or nursing journals? appeared first on Nursing Homeworks.
How do these recommendations compare to what is seen in your textbook, clinical setting, or nursing journals?
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