Guidelines for the paper. MUST BE (6) pages (excluding references and title page) about any topic covered in attached chapters from 1 8 from the textbook (the textbook must be one of your sources) August 21, 2020/in Health and Mendical /by JosephGuidelines for the paper.MUST BE (6) pages (excluding references and title page) about any topic covered in attached chapters from 1 8 from the textbook (the textbook must be one of your sources) MUST BE APA CORRECT! MUST HAVE (11) Scholarly references (except for textbook) MUST BE 15% or less matching through SafeAssign if more than 15% matching then grade will deduct so please make sure. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE any papers or references that you have used in previous. REMEMBER THEY ARE IN THE DATABASE ALREADY. Attached the following files Week 1, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, and Textbook.
Guidelines for the paper. MUST BE (6) pages (excluding references and title page) about any topic covered in attached chapters from 1 8 from the textbook (the textbook must be one of your sources)
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