Complete each case study utilizing collegiate formatting APA). Each chapter has 2 case studies to be completed; typed in Cambria or New Times Roman 12 point font in ONE document. Citations required.Objective: the student will demonstrate gained knowledge of the disease process and apply it using critical thinking skills to the specific data in the case study.Case studies are case specific. Your answers should reflect the assessment and your analysis of the information in the case study… no generalized answers of all matter regarding the content.Your answers should reflect the critical thinking and application of knowledge gained. Include the case study and questions to be answered in your response.These case studies may be completed using your Fundamentals textbook and/or your Medical-Surgical textbook (Brunner and Suddarath). These case studies reference the chapters in the Medical-Surgical textbook. Brunner &Suddarath, textbook of medical-surgical nursing 13th edition by Janice L. Hinkle and Kerry H. CheeverBe sure to use APA style of reference..