write an essay narrowing down the topic : “fantasy and reality; combination of fanatical and real worlds , magical realism”use quotations from 3 literary worksa thesis statement that states a dream and realityThe 3 literary works“The night face up”by Julio Cortazar http://www.cabrillo.edu/~ewagner/WOK%20Eng%202/Night%20Face%20Up%20-%20Cortazar.pdf“the gardening of forking paths” by Jorge Borges http://mycours.es/gamedesign2012/files/2012/08/The-Garden-of-Forking-Paths-Jorge-Luis-Borges-1941.pdf“the secret miracle”by Jorge Borges https://theavenuemotionpicturecompany.com/the_secret_miracle.pdfBasically talk about dream vs. reality and how they all speak about and support it using qoutes from the literary qoutes.