Instructions: Students:There are 2 responses due for this week. The first one which is due on or before Wednesday, at midnight. This involves posting your PPT for other students to review.Your second response is due on or before Friday, at midnight which is the last day of class for the term. Please see the instructions below. Your assignment will be graded according to the Discussion Board Rubric. RN to BSN Weekly Discussions Guidelines & Grading Rubric 42018.docx Post comments to your peers related specifically to only 2 and 4 of this Discussion. Prompt: 1. Please post your PowerPoint slides here. Your PowerPoint presentation should number approximately 10-25 slides. 2. a. Name of community and student who posted. b. Identify at least 3 similarities between this community and yours? c. Identify at least 3 differences between this community and yours? d. Are any of the nursing diagnoses listed the same or similar to those you listed? If so, which ones? e. What opportunities might exist to collaborate in planning for the two communities? Can the plan or part of the plan that your peer identified for their community work in your community or vice versa? Please explain and provide a specific example.3. This item is specific to the community assessment you completed. a. Go to (Links to an external site.) Read about AuntBertha. b. Now, go to (Links to an external site.) Type in the zipcode for the community you assessed. Look at each of the categories across the top: Food, Housing, Goods, Transit, Health, Money, Care, Education, Work, and Legal. Identify 2 resources that you identified in your assessment that are not listed among those identified in the categories. Now, go to (Links to an external site.) , complete this form for at least 2 resources that you identified in your community assessment that are not listed among those identified on Aunt Bertha. For this item 3b response, list the zipcode you typed in on the AuntBertha site and the 2 resources you typed in to Suggest a Program.4. Choose a new community nursing role form the assigned chapters for this week. Discuss why this role appeals to you. What contributions might this role make to the community that you assessed? 5. Estimate the number of hours that you spend on your Community Assessment. Add that number to your Windshield Survey hours. What is the total number of hours that you spent on this assessment? Post your answer in your Discussion post for this week. Use the link below to post your Power Point for other students to review . Discussion Week 6: Community Assessment and Roles of Nurses in the Commun.
Discussion Week 6: Community Assessment and Roles of Nurses in the Community Ashby
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