Determine the pH of 1.4×10-5 M HCN.Determine the pH of 1.4×10-5 M C6H5NH2 (aniline)Please show work.Determine the pH of 1.4×10-5 M HCN.Ka for HCN = 6.16 x 10-10Using ICE table, we get:[H+] = 9.28 x 10-8 MpH = -log[H+]= log[9.28 x 10-8]= 7.0324Determine the pH of 1.4×10-5 M C6H5NH2 .
Determine the pH of 1.4105 M HCN. Determine the pH of 1.4105 M C6H5NH2 (aniline) Please show work.
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