Consider the coursework completed throughout the BSN program. Select a previously completed assignment you believe demonstrates achievement of at least one of the eight BSN Student Learning Outcomes.IAugust 12, 2020/in Health and Mendical /by JosephConsider the coursework completed throughout the BSN program. Select a previously completed assignment you believe demonstrates achievement of at least one of the eight BSN Student Learning Outcomes.In the SLO Reflection Templates, create a self-reflection that answers these four statements regarding the relationship of the assignment you chose to the SLO:The rationale/reason I chose this/these assignment(s) as evidence that I met the Student Learning Outcome is:As a result of completing this coursework I have gained the following knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes regarding this Student Learning Outcome:The way that I am going to incorporate this new knowledge into my practice is by:A future goal based upon this Student Learning Outcome is:.
Consider the coursework completed throughout the BSN program. Select a previously completed assignment you believe demonstrates achievement of at least one of the eight BSN Student Learning Outcomes.I
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