Unit III Annotated Bibliography In Unit VII, you will have a research paper due. As a building assignment toward that research paper, your assignment is to prepare an annotated bibliography listing five sources you will use. ? At least one of your articles must come from the CSU Online Library. ? At least one source must relate to managing conflict, negotiation, or third-party intervention. ? Under each source, include the following information: o a summary of the reference or article, o an evaluation of the reference or article, including any methods or main concepts, and o three to five sentences on why you feel the source will be helpful to you for the content of your final research paper. Your annotated bibliography must be a minimum of two pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations per APA guidelines. If you have any questions on how to write an annotated bibliography, please refer to the CSU Writing Center for resources.Unit V Research Paper Outline For this assignment, you will need to submit a draft of your research paper with these components to ensure you are on the right track: ? an outline of your research and the intended direction of your argument, ? at least five scholarly resources you have found that contribute to your topic, and ? an abstract outlining your topic and your subsequent findings. This outline should use appropriate APA style writing. While there is no minimum requirement for your outline, you should be thorough in your research so your professor (or a colleague) could adequately determine your intended research and the direction of your research paper.Unit VII Research Paper Your research paper is due in this unit. The paper must include at least the following sections (you may want to include others if you deem them appropriate): 1. Introduction 2. Challenges and Problems (associated with your topic) 3. Review of the Literature 4. Critical Analysis of Challenges/Problems 5. Recommended Solutions 6. Implementation of Solutions 7. Conclusion 8. ReferencesThe final research paper must be a minimum of six to eight pages in length, including at least the following sections (you may want to include others if you deem them appropriate): 1. Introduction 2. Challenges and Problems (associated with your topic) 3. Review of the Literature 4. Critical Analysis of Challenges/Problems 5. Recommended Solutions 6. Implementation of Solutions 7. Conclusion 8. References The topic for the research paper must relate to this course. Title of paper will be ? Managing Conflict in a Healthcare Organization..
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