Choose one behavior theory discussed. Go to online library and find a peer-reviewed article about that theory. Read, reflect and evaluate on the information shared in the article. Share your thoughts on the information about the theory discussed in your article. Apply an example of how the theory would be supported in your personal or professional life.should be a minimum of 350 words and should reference the readings and other scholarly source.(Reference at lease 2 sources) Examples of Theories: What is Applied Behavior Analysis· Artino, A. J. (2007). Bandura, Ross, and Ross: Observational Learning and the Bobo Doll. Retrieved from· Clark, R. E. (2004). The Classical Origins of Pavlovs Conditioning. Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science, 39(4), 279-294.· Moore, J. (2011). BEHAVIORISM. Psychological Record, 61(3), 449 463.
Behavior Theory
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