Alternate financial scenarios. Use this section to discuss the sensitivity of your financial projections to different scenarios.July 19, 2020/in The Nursing Geeks /by JosephI will only need section 4 for Nordstroms Inc. Global Expansion Project into CanadaAlternate financial scenarios. Use this section to discuss the sensitivity of your financial projections to different scenarios. Be sure to address: a. How would your projected financial performance change if sales fall 20% short of or are 20% higher than your base assumption? What does your analysis of these two scenarios imply for the proposed investment? Justify your response. b. What do the net present value, internal rate of return, and payback values from your base scenario and the sales variation scenarios above imply for the proposed investment? Be sure to explain how the time value of money affects your calculations and analysis. .
Alternate financial scenarios. Use this section to discuss the sensitivity of your financial projections to different scenarios.
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