Zoom recorded meeting to ask questions. Choose your topic area for your PICO and possible question. Keep simple. Doable in 6-7 week time frame. Perception of nurses survey for PowerPoint Poster or educational resource Think about a mentor. Samples in Module 8. Please keep it simple and something you can complete in 6 weeks in your work area. Additional Materials: a) https://youtu.be/hZxnzfnt5v8b)https://youtu.be/IWYTqYnW6pcc) https://youtu.be/cwU8as9ZNlAd)https://youtu.be/rulIUAN0U3we)https://youtu.be/RbUeK0Kkn4gf)https://youtu.be/OCj6kuoPQPgg)https://youtu.be/_sXwUQKIBRgh)https://youtu.be/-04__00RtP4 this website
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