1.Watch PBS frontline TV program, “Generation Like,” to learn how companies use social media at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/generation-like/, and describe key takeaways in about half a page in word document.2.If you don’t use the social media, you can do an alternative task.Find an article that deals with how (a) business(es) use social media by searching an article published in a popular business trade periodicals such as Wall Street Journal, business week, and Economist.Describe how the company featured in the article uses social media for marketing its products or services.Type your essay in about one page.At the end of the essay, type “Reference” as a heading and provide a full citation of the article. Using either AMA style, Chicago style, or APA style. For example, you can see how to cite periodicals using AMA reference style in the second paragraph: https://www.ama.org/Documents/AMA_Reference_Style.pdf3,a. For students who don’t use social media: i. A copy of the article. .