Relocation and Changing Residency Essay

Topics: Your paper must be written on ONE of the topics listed below.Relocation and Changing Residency Essay

1. Choose a personal experience and based on this experience compare and contrast the main propositions of Psychoanalytic/Psycho dynamic Theories with those of the Phenomenological/Existential Theories;
2. Choose a personal experience and based on this experience compare and contrast main propositions of Phenomenological/Existential Theories with Learning Theories;
3. Choose a personal experience and based on this experience compare and contrast the main propositions of Phenomenological/Existential Theories with that of dispositional (trait) Theories;
4. Choose a personal experience and based on this experience compare and contrast the main propositions of Learning Theories with that of Biological/Evolutionary Theories;


MY Personal Experience: moving to Canada, having a better life and having the opportunity to travel the world.

Relocation and changing residency are perhaps two of the common occurrences that strongly illustrate the fact that life is never devoid of change. The feeling that comes with moving to a new town, city or even country is always greeted with a lot of anxiety, excitement as well as fear of the unknown. The majority of people that have shifted from their native cities or states to foreign lands have always documented their experiences in the form of personal reflections.  The latter is one of the recommended ways in which individuals can get to share what they encountered in a different country and what they often feel nostalgic about when they think of their homeland. This paper is a personal reflection essay that describes one experience and relates it to a number of learning theories.Relocation and Changing Residency Essay

Task for the Essay

Choose a personal experience and based on this experience compare and contrast the main propositions of Learning Theories with that of Biological/Evolutionary Theories.

Personal Experience chosen for the Essay

Moving to Canada, having a better life and the rare opportunity to travel the world.

 Body of the Essay

The ultimate decision to move from my homeland to Canada is one of the times in life that I felt both elated and confused as well. I took a huge step of faith when I relocated to this western country as I wanted to learn more in terms of schoolwork and even have the rare chance of touring the globe. I was aware that this would mean coming across many changes, shocking moments and even dealing with a complete lifestyle transformation. When I reflect on my journey in Canada, there are many good lessons that I have learnt and even mistakes that I have made that have enabled me to become a better person.

The first time that I arrived in this country, I immediately began comparing my native state to this one. I began to see how the buildings, infrastructure, malls, roads, hospitals and learning institutions were all different from where I initially originated. In particular, I found their level of construction to be much superior and advanced compared to my home town.Relocation and Changing Residency Essay Every time that I got to commute from one place to another, I would constantly marvel at how people in Canada are so organized and thoroughly systematic. For instance, their trains and buses had specific pick up points where one could either alight off from or board. Further, these tools of locomotion were always on time and if a person was late, they had to wait for the next available bus or train.

I did not know this fact and when I first moved to Canada and I was often getting late to meetings or personal engagements since I had not known about the schedules of these buses. The other alternative of ensuring that I arrived on time at the place I was going meant that I had to take a taxi but this was quite expensive. The process of comparison did not end here as I also keenly analyzed how people in this new country socialized and interacted compared to my native area of residence. I noticed that people in Canada interacted within their own circles and friendships were also formed along the same lines.

People either socialized at the workplace or in other formal gatherings and they rarely spoke to one another outside this context. I found this quite perplexing because I was accustomed to making friends in all places including public vehicles, areas of worship, the market and even the gym. It was at this point that I began changing my lifestyle so that I could fit in with the new ways of life in this country. This gradual change enabled me to understand why this country operated the way that it did. I even began to understand their political structures, legal systems and even family values and how they impacted on their lives.

The chance to migrate to Canada and subsequently live there taught me a lot of things while at the same time opened my eyes to so many life lessons. I first understood that Canada is very developed and this has largely been brought about by the devolution system of political leadership. This simply means that each state or province in Canada is governed differently with a particular set of rules and regulations (Tsai and Lau, 2013).Relocation and Changing Residency Essay

The longer I lived here, the more I came to witness how provinces such as Alberta, Ontario and even Quebec were all ruled differently despite them being in the same country. After a while, my life had entirely changed and I was even surprised how I got to learn a lot in such a short time. The fair share of my experiences on a personal level can be closely linked to a number of learning theories that integrate life to the process of change.

Comparison and contrast between my personal experiences with the main propositions of Learning Theories and Biological/Evolutionary Theories.

The process of moving to Canada and the subsequent experience that I gained can be associated and linked to a number of biological and evolutionary theories. One of them is the Darwinian Theory that describes how evolution is purely a natural selection process (Khalil, 2009). According to these theory, living organisms are prone to changing themselves over a period of time and this process often results in either behavioral or physical traits that can be inherited (Jong et al, 2015). What?s more, the Darwinian Theory also proposes that this change is very essential and instrumental because it allows these living beings to adapt to a new environment where it can increase its chances of survival and even lead a better life (Arnoldt et al, 2015).


            This theory holds the same meaning when it comes to my personal experience because this change enabled me to improve my life to a significant level.Relocation and Changing Residency Essay Moreover, I have been able to evolve to such a point where I could comfortably fit in with the new society in Canada. The Darwinian Theory also asserts the vital role played by migration when it comes to changing the life of any human being. This theory explains that not only does the physical appearance of a person change, but it also transforms the way in which they behave and interact (Angelis, 2014).

My personal experience augurs with this fact very well as the migration process to Canada changed my appearance, behavioral traits, level of understanding and even mode of social interaction. This shows that the Darwinian Theory is a valuable concept that enhances the understanding of how relocation can be linked to the inevitable process of change in life (Pievani, 2014).

In summary, the movement from one?s native country to a new one is often accompanied by feelings of uncertainty, excitement and even anxiety. The moment one arrives in a foreign place, they begin to become analytical and critical of how the place differs from their homeland. The same case was true when I moved to Canada where I got to learn a lot of things and also travel the world. This personal experience has also improved my life as an individual as I am now more knowledgeable, insightful and even open-minded when it comes to the various processes of life.Relocation and Changing Residency Essay


Angelis, E. (2014). On the mathematical theory of post-Darwinian mutations, selection, and             evolution. Mathematical Models & Methods In Applied Sciences, 24(13), 2723-2742.             doi:10.1142/S0218202514500353

Arnoldt, H., Strogatz, S. H., & Timme, M. (2015). Toward the Darwinian transition: Switching    between distributed and speciated states in a simple model of early life. Physical Review     E: Statistical, Nonlinear & Soft Matter Physics, 92(5-B), 052909-1-052909-9.           doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.92.052909

Jong, J., Whitehouse, H., Kavanagh, C., & Lane, J. (2015). Shared Negative Experiences Lead to             Identity Fusion via Personal Reflection. Plos ONE, 10(12), 1-12.      doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145611

Khalil, E. L. (2009). Friedrich Hayek?s Darwinian Theory Of Evolution Of Institutions Two             Problems. Australian Economic Papers, 35(66), 183.

Pievani, T. (2014). Individuals and groups in evolution: Darwinian pluralism and the multilevel     selection debate. Journal of Biosciences, 39(2), 319-325. Doi: 10.1007/s12038-013-9345-     4

Tsai, W., & Lau, A. S. (2013). Cultural differences in emotion regulation during self-reflection     on negative personal experiences. Cognition & Emotion, 27(3), 416-429. Relocation and Changing Residency Essay