Advantages of Text in Collegiate Recruiting

Nowadays, communications play an extremely important role and their wide application often leads to the significant changes in different areas and activities. In this respect, collegiate recruiting is not an exception. It should be said that the progress of technologies is unstoppable and it is simply illogical to prevent coaches and recruits to use text messaging as a means of communication in the process of recruiting. In fact, conservative specialists oppose to the introduction of such innovations, but, objectively speaking, it is obvious that the college coaches should be allowed to use text messaging as an effective method of communicating with recruits during the recruitment process for their athletic programs. Obviously, this step could facilitate te interaction of coaches and recruits and increase the effectiveness of the process of recruitment through the increasing effectiveness of athletic programs.Advantages of Text in Collegiate Recruiting


The importance of communication of coaches and recruits

On analyzing the current situation, it is necessary to point out that one of the major goals of the contemporary process of collegiate recruitment is to provide the effective contact and communication of coaches and recruits that will help reveal fully the potential of recruits. In fact, communication always played an extremely important role in the coach-recruit relationship and in the process of collegiate recruiting. This trend has grown stronger with the progress of new technologies which provided both coaches and recruits with ample opportunities to use technological advances in the process of communication. No wonder that coaches and recruits attempt to benefit from technological progress and attempt to use such technological innovations as text messaging in their communication.

At the same time, the wide use of new technologies makes such a type of communication natural and many coaches and recruits sincerely believe that there is no harm or frauds in the use of text messaging as the means of communication, which they believe to be very helpful in the process of collegiate recruitment (Goggin, 214). It is worthy of mention that the use of text messaging gradually becomes an integral part of the preparation of recruits that is often used by coaches in athletic programs.

Furthermore, it should be said that text messaging is currently used as the means of the maintenance of the permanent contact between a coach and a recruit. In fact, it proves beyond a doubt that the use of text messaging is practically not limited by some geographical or time boundaries. As a result, coaches and recruits can use text messaging to maintain the contact between them practically at any place and, what is more important, they can access each other at any moment that is convenient to them. Basically, such a potential of text messaging opens ample opportunities for the increasing of the effectiveness of athletic programs through the increased opportunities of the communication of coaches and recruits.Advantages of Text in Collegiate Recruiting

Also, it is important to underline that the question of text messaging should be viewed in the context of the general communication between coaches and recruits. Consequently, on discussing the problem of the use of text messaging, it is necessary to justify the use of text messaging not only by the fact of its effectiveness or ineffectiveness but rather by the fact whether conventional communication is allowed or not. As a result, it is obvious that there are a lot of opportunities for the communication between coaches and recruits at the moment. This is why it would be logical to allow coaches to use text messaging to maintain contact with recruits for their athletic programs.

The facilitation of communication of coaches and recruits due to text messaging

In fact, the growing popularity of text messaging and numerous efforts of coaches to use this method of communication to maintain the contact with recruits is based not only on the pure popularity of new technologies, but it is rather determined by absolutely objective factors, among which the progress and development of technologies is just one of the arguments in favor of text messaging but not the most important one. In fact, in order to better understand the significance of text messaging for coaches and recruits in the process of recruitment, especially for recruits? athletic programs, it is necessary to realize the fact that communication and the maintenance of the contact between coaches and recruits are of a paramount importance. It should be said that coaches apparently define the recruitment process and, what is more important they develop and control athletic programs for recruits. In such a situation, it is obvious that the communication of coaches and recruits is an absolutely essential condition of a successful performance of a recruit since a coach, through communication with recruits can correct and improve their athletic programs and direct the ways to the better preparation for the process of recruitment. At the same time, such a support from the part of coaches is extremely important for recruits because due to the communication and, therefore, assistance of coaches they can fully reveal their actual potential, demonstrate their talent and hidden opportunities which may be revealed only under the guidance of a professional and highly qualified trainer.Advantages of Text in Collegiate Recruiting

On the other hand, it is obvious that if there is the lack of communication or opportunities to maintain contact between coaches and recruits, the chance and opportunities for recruits to demonstrate their actual abilities, skills and reveal their potential decrease dramatically since they may be simply unprepared for the process of recruiting without the assistance of coaches, while athletic program could be absolutely ineffective.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember about the fact that the process of recruitment is a very complicated process as well as athletic programs of recruits may be also extremely difficult to perform at the highest level. In such a situation, the necessity of communication of coaches and recruits seems to be essential, but often they are physically deprived of such an opportunity because they may be distanced from each other, while the athletic program of a recruit may need substantial correction. In this regard, text messaging seems to be the most effective solution of this problem because, as it has been already mentioned above, it is practically deprived of any geographic or time limitations. Consequently, coaches can give important recommendations or introduce some corrections in the athletic program of recruits in order to make them more effective in such a way that recruits could show the best results in the process of recruitment. In other words, by means of recruitment it is possible to show the real potential and talent of a recruit by means of communication which is maintained due to text messaging.Advantages of Text in Collegiate Recruiting

The inconsistency of arguments against text messaging

However, in spite of the obvious advantages of text messaging there exists a strong opposition to the implementation of this method of communication in the process of recruitment. Basically, it is argued that text messaging should not be implemented because it cannot provide positive results and, what is more, it may potentially violate the equality of opportunities of recruits (Harding & Rosenberg, 136). It is estimated that text messaging may be not available for all recruits, though such arguments sound quite strange nowadays when technologies are so widely spread and text messaging is viewed as one of the casual method of communication available to practically all people. Moreover, it has been already said that text messaging eliminates problems when coaches and recruits cannot contact each other in direct, or in person.


Also, text messaging is denied as the method of communication by conservatives who do not believe that technological innovations can facilitate the process of recruitment. However, there is even more substantial counter argument against text messaging, according to which, text messaging cannot be applied because such a communication cannot provide a coach with ample information about a recruit and, therefore, any recommendations given by means of text messaging are absolutely irrelevant to actual needs of recruits. In response, it is possible to argue that text messaging may be used as additional method of communication which may be used to increase the effectiveness of communication and recruits? athletic programs because a coach can introduce some changes or correction of such programs practically immediately when he/she uncovers some errors that can prevent a recruit to reveal his/her potential and demonstrate his/her best qualities.Advantages of Text in Collegiate Recruiting


Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that the use of text messaging is simply essential condition of the increasing of the effectiveness of the process of recruitment since due to the use of text messaging coaches can introduce essential changes into athletic programs of recruits and, therefore, provide recruits with ample opportunities to reveal their talent, skills and abilities and succeed in recruitment. In fact, text messaging is very effective and opens opportunities to objectively assess a recruit and take correct decision in the process of recruitment.Advantages of Text in Collegiate Recruiting