Question # 1 150 words minimum.Take a moment to reflect on something you researched in the past, and discuss what that experience was like for you. What did you research? What were your reasons for researching it? What did you find out? How did you discern valid sources from invalid ones? What kinds of sources did you use? Why? Feel free to choose any experience. You do not have to limit yourself to an academic research topic. You might reflect upon research that you did for your job, or before making purchase, particularly something big like a new computer or smart phone or a new/used car.Question # 2Annotated BibliographyFollow the directions below for the completion of the Annotated Bibliography assignment.1. Purpose: The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to summarize the sources that you have gathered to support your research proposal project. These summaries help you to think about the complex arguments presented in your sources.2. Description: In this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography consisting of seven sources. Each entry will consist of a reference list citation, a summary of the source?s information, and a one-sentence assessment. Each annotation should be between 150 to 200 words. If an entry is shorter than 150 words, it is likely you have not fully developed your summary, and this lack of development can severely impact your grade for this assignmentRunning head: TITLE OF PAPER (DO NOT EXCEED 50 CHARACTERS) The title should summarize the papers main idea and identify the variables under discussion and the relationship between them. Title of the Paper The title should be centered on the page, typed in 12point Times New Roman Font. It should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Student Name The authors name and institution should be double-spaced and centered. Columbia Southern University Blue boxes contain directions for writing and citing in APA style. Since this is a Review of Literature with the reference listed above the summary, only page numbers are needed for quoted material. Please check with professors for preferences on using direct quotes. Green text boxes contain explanations of APA style guidelines. 1 The running head is a shortened version of the papers full title, and it is used to help readers identify the titles for published articles (even if your paper is not intended for publication, your paper should still have a running head). TITLE OF PAPER (DO NOT EXCEED 50 CHARACTERS) The full title of the paper is repeated here and centered. Title of the Paper 2 Notice the header and page numbers on this page. The actual words Running head are not on any other pages after the first page. Etherington, M. (2008). E-Learning pedagogy in the primary school classroom: The McDonaldization of education, Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 33(5), 3, 1-48. In the Annotated Bibliography the references are listed in alphabetical order with the summary following. The references are formatted with a hanging indent. The summary will be formatted with a block indention and also be indented. Pay close attention to the indentions. Etherington describes the dehumanization of primary students as a direct result of online pedagogy. He goes on to illustrate the potential problems that will stem from this:isolation, lack of community and decreased socialization of its learners.repetitive stress injuries, eyestrain, obesity, and social isolation (p. 43). His research also notes Notice the only in-text needed is page #s for that direct quotes. human advancement led them to create better technology.