Evaluate leadership & management functions in the delivery of quality healthcare.You are to select a scenario from your practice within the last 12 months, ideally a scenario that you have observed, so you can look at what happened, comment on professional issues observed and then analyse the professional issues.A 4000 word essay in 2 parts, Part One 2500 Words (}%), Part Two 1500 Words (}%) Choosing your scenario: You are to select a scenario from your practice within the last 12 months, ideally a scenario that you have observed, so you can look at what happened, comment on professional issues observed and then analyse the professional issues. In order to help you select a scenario that will meet the module learning outcomes you should ensure that: ? The scenario provides the potential to identify issues relating to leadership & management ? The scenario provides the potential to discuss MDT/Team work ? The scenario must not be of a purely ethical nature ? Avoid a scenario that relates to onetoone care ? Ideally you will consider the bigger picture and not how you were affected. ? Your scenario can be either a positive or a negative experience. ? This is a nonjudgemental piece of work, you should purely analyse what you observed and should not apportion blame. Your work should reflect an understanding of the module learning outcomes: 1. Explore, analyse and evaluate the nature, organisation and dynamics of professional practice within health and social care organisations. 2. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the challenges facing health and social care services in meeting the changing demands of the public. 3. Evaluate leadership & management functions in the delivery of quality healthcare. 4. Analyse the implications of working within multidisciplinary teams whilst maintaining equitable and antidiscriminatory practice. 5. Evaluate their personal development of a critical stance in examining the nature of professional practice within the context of contemporary health and social care. 6. Evaluate the skills and qualities needed for autonomous practice. Suggested Structure: Introduction (approx. 150 words) ? the introduction tells the reader what the essay is about. Tell the reader what you are going to cover in both part one and two. Some people write the introduction on completion of their essay. Part One (2500 words }%) ? 3rd person only Scenario (approx. 200 words) ? Describe the scenario you have chosen to cover, in your description of it be concise, avoid conversation and reflective description. Imagine you are writing a written statement of an event, e.g. just present the facts. Overview of Professional Issues (approx. 500 words, LO 1,2,3,4) ? in this section you must identify five professional issues that were evident in your scenario and briefly state why you believe they are an issue, using the underpinning evidence to support your discussion. You must include Leadership & Management and MDT working as two of your issues. The remaining three may consist of: ? Communication ? Supervision of Junior Staff ? Staff Values and Attitudes . US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT
The post Evaluate leadership & management functions in the delivery of quality healthcare.You are to select a scenario from your practice within the last 12 months, ideally a scenario that you have observed, so you can look at what happened, comment on professional issues observed and then analyse the professional issues. appeared first on Nursing Homeworks.