Advantages and disadvantages for the patient and legal and ethical principles for the nurse of this technology will be explored. Guidelines and Grading RubricPURPOSEThe purpose of this assignment is to explore the specialty of telehealth, and more specifically telenursing, as one example of the use of technology in various practice settings. Advantages and disadvantages for the patient and legal and ethical principles for the nurse of this technology will be explored.COURSE OUTCOMESThis assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:CO #2: Investigate safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO #4)CO #6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client?s right to privacy. (PO #6)BACKGROUNDOur text (Hebda, 2013) provides us with a broad perspective on telehealth. However, the specialty of telenursing is only briefly discussed. Healthcare is readily embracing any technology to improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and lower costs. This technology includes the use of various applications based in various environments where registered nurses indirectly provide professional nursing care.SCENARIOThe following scenario serves as the basis for your paper:You have worked with Tomika for the past five years. Tomika shares with you that she has resigned and plans to work in an agency that installs telemonitoring equipment into the homes of those with chronic illnesses. Nurses monitor the patients using the equipment with the goal of detecting problems before patients need to be readmitted to the hospital. Tomika will be working from her own home, with occasional meetings at the agency. She would not be visiting her patients in their homes, but rather would be assessing and interacting with them via videoconferencing. She tells you that there are still job openings and encourages you to apply.You are intrigued by this, and decide to investigate whether telenursing would be a good choice for you, too. Is telenursing in your future?DIRECTIONSYou are to research (find evidence), compose, and type a scholarly paper that describes telenursing as described above, and whether it is a good fit for you. Reflect on what you have learned in this class to date about technology, privacy rights, ethical issues, interoperability, patient satisfaction, consumer education, and other topics. Your text by Hebda (2013, Chapter 25) discusses telehealth in detail. However, your focus should be from the professional nurse?s role in telenursing. Do not limit your review of the literature to only what you read in your text. Nurses in various specialties need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of telenursing as it applies to their patients. For example, when you discharge a patient from an acute care setting, will a telenursing service assist that individual with staying out of the hospital? You may need to apply critical thinking skills to development of your paper. In the conclusion of your paper, describe your current employment situation (Current- position work in the Emergency Room) , and whether a job in telenursing would, or would not, fit with your career goals and life situation once you graduate from Phoenix . US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT The post Advantages and disadvantages for the patient and legal and ethical principles for the nurse of this technology will be explored. Guidelines and Grading Rubric appeared first on Nursing Homeworks.
Advantages and disadvantages for the patient and legal and ethical principles for the nurse of this technology will be explored. Guidelines and Grading Rubric
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