Child Abuse Assessment Case Study
Many people have noticed that parents are starting to get more frustrated with with their lives and are taking it out on their children. Parents start to under think their actions and instead of disciplining their children, they are abusing their children. There are many precautions that should be taken when dealing with situations like these.Child Abuse Assessment Case Study Many experiments can be done in order to determine if abuse is taking place in the home. In order to determine child abuse, authorities usually look for bruises or broken bones in bad families but child abuse is determined by factors that are sometimes unknown. Child abuse is defined by internet dictionaries as physical, emotional, or sexual mistreatment of?show more content?
HELP GUIDE.ORG states that sexual abuse is known to be the most hidden type of abuse there is. The reason that sexual abuse tends to be hidden is because of the fact that the abused person is ashamed of and guilty of the abuse because they sometimes feel that it was their fault. The sexual abuse doesn?t necessarily need to contain body contact, verbal sexual abuse also scars individuals. (HELP GUIDE.ORG) It is important to know that individuals are able to determine when a child is being abused. Children give off many signs for different types of abuse. Emotionally abused children are often anxious and withdrawn. They are distant from their parent or guardian and act like adults or act ?inappropriately infantile? which means they suck their thumb, rock, and throw tantrums. Physically abused children often have bruises, they are often paranoid for something bad to happen. They usually don?t want to touch people and they wear clothing to cover up their injuries. For example, they will wear a long-sleeved shirt when it is extremely hot outside. Children that have been abused sexually have trouble walking or sitting, they show that they know about sexual acts and make those efforts with other people. They usually have STDS or maybe a pregnancy by the age of 14. Child Abuse Assessment Case Study

Child maltreatment is a widespread issue that affects thousands of children every year. There are four common types of child maltreatment; sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. All of these types of abuse are very serious and can have many consequences for the children and families. The most common consequence of severe child maltreatment is the removal of that child from their home (Benbenishty, Segev, Surkis, and Elias, 2002). Most social workers trying to determine the likelihood of removal evaluate the type and severity of abuse, as well as the child?s relationship with their parents (Benbenishty et al., 2002). When children are removed from their homes there are many options of alternative housing.Child Abuse Assessment Case Study The?show more content?
Many children are forced to live with domestic violence because one of their parents refuses to leave the relationship. In cases of women being victims of domestic violence and failing to leave the male offender, the women are also identified as offenders and are charged with failing to protect their children from avoidable harm, regardless of the limited choices they have (Friend et al., 2008). Although domestic violence occurred in 35% of the 1,248 substantiated incidents of child maltreatment, only 31 couples were investigated for exposing a child to domestic violence or not protecting their children from the violence (Coohey, 2007). In Minnesota the parent is said to endanger the child?s mental or physical health when the child is exposed to domestic violence. When police are contacted about a domestic violence incident the investigators need to consider all types of failure to protect the child, as well as the likelihood of a domestic violence incident occurring again (Coohey, 2007). In order to determine if the children will be exposed to domestic violence in the future, the investigator needs to consider many variables. Such variables include a history of domestic violence and other types of child maltreatment, a willingness by the perpetrator to change his or her behavior, and if the perpetrator has the ability to change.Child Abuse Assessment Case Study