MHA601 week2 discussion 1(300 words)MHA601 week 2 discussion 2(300 words)This week, Discussion 1:asks students to locate a quality improvement & cost saving project implemented in a healthcare setting such as hospital, clinic, nursing home, assisting living, and homecare in the United States. Take a moment to read Section 4.4 Stakeholder Dynamics in the required textbook. You may not be able to find all needed information, which is fine as long as you indicate no available information found in the article in your response. Please reach out to your instructor if you have difficulty finding a project that was carried out in the United States.The U.S. healthcare system has been recognized as a high-cost delivery system with relatively poor quality outcomes, and this situation has not been improved to some extents (Ewing, 2013). Royer asserted that:Public and private payers have responded to these issues with: 1) financial incentives to improve care outcomes; and 2) more stringent regulations for collecting data on and reporting medical errors and indicators of poor care. Executives and managers in leading health care organizations have recognized poor care coordination as an underlying cause of poor care outcomes, and undertaken large scale organizational process change initiatives to improve quality as well as to reduce costs. (as cited in Frates, 2014, Section 3.2, para. 4)In the required textbook, Table 3.1: Differentiating Factors for Organization Cost Reduction Efforts lists four differentiators, speed, accountability, scope of change, and LEAN perspective (Frates, 2014). Successful efforts lead to measurable improvements such as less harm due to preventable errors, better patient health outcome and satisfaction, shorter waiting times, etc. The healthcare organizations benefit in a long-run because of reduced capital investments and ongoing expenditures, and an improved reputation that results from better quality care and service. Discussion 2 covers teams Delivery healthcare heavily relies on teamwork. Effective teamwork can enhance patient safety, improve quality of patient care, and reduce workload and burnout issues among healthcare professionals. But simply installing a team structure does not guarantee the team will operative effectively (Ezziane et al., 2012). Frates (2014) highlighted four attributes for both functional and dysfunctional teams in Table 4.2. Working effectively in and as a team is an important skill that can be taught and bred. The best quality and cost-effective care and outcomes are attained only if diverse healthcare professionals work together, learn together, and engage in clinical audits of outcomes and innovations to ensure progress in practice and service (Reiss-Brennan, Briot, Savitz, Cannon, & Staheli, 2010). Ezziane and colleagues (2012) argued that effective communication, comprehensive decision making, safety awareness, the ability to resolve conflict, and strong leadership are key contributors to the development of successful healthcare teams..
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