How do you define quality as it pertains to health care and the practice of nursing? Some nurses may define quality as effective interdisciplinary teamwork that results in better patient-health outcomes, while hospital administrators may define quality as appropriately delegated responsibilities, completion of tasks, and effective patient flow. Due to the subjective nature of the term, quality is a topic of great debate.In an effort to define quality in health care, standards have been developed to establish consistency and provide guidance. The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) outlines nursing-sensitive indicators that encompass measurement scales for quality of nurse professionals as well as quality of the services provided by nurses to patients. In this weekâs Discussion, you evaluate the determinants of quality,m based on the NDNQI indicators and the theoretical underpinnings of these quality indicators. You apply nursing-sensitive indicators to your current setting and assess how each definition of quality contributes to the idea of quality overall.To prepare:· Review the NDNQI indicators presented in the Learning Resources that emphasize quality. Focus on those indicators that pertain to your practice setting.· Consider the influence of early quality improvement theories and philosophies on the development of those quality indicators.· Using the Walden Library, locate at least two scholarly research articles that discuss how quality indicators influence your practice setting.Select one definition of quality published by any peer-reviewed source that particularly resonates with your thinking about a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following: Criteria you must meet to earn full points:1. Identify two nurse-sensitive indicators of quality that relate to patient care and analyze the influence of early quality improvement theories and philosophies on the development of those indicators. For this exercise, do not choose nurse sensitive indicators that relate to staffing levels. 2. Find and cite at least 2 nursing research articles you located and evaluate how these indicators influence a practice setting.In order to ensure full possible points, please carefully review the Discussion Question rubric and use the required template provided below to help guide the formatting of your DQ and minimize risk of missing criteria or subcriteria. Earning full possible points toward âExcellentâ means clear demonstration of critical thinking through analyzing the literature, synthesizing the information, and applying to the criteria for the DQ.Below is the APA scholarly format required for ALL Discussion Questions1. APA does not allow a Level I heading Introduction for your introductory paragraph Use the Level I headings provided for you below including an introduction and summary or conclusion4. All DQ responses must be in Times New Roman 12pt font .
Quality Indicators
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