Guided Questions for Reflective Journal #1The purpose of the reflective journals in this course is to build your reflective thinking which will lead to increased emotional intelligence (Riley, 2020). The first reflective journal will focus on self-awareness, one of the EI domains. Please be sure to complete all readings and surveys prior to answering guided questions. Responses should be substantive and not just a few sentences. This is about students having a better understanding of what makes an effective communicator. As this is a reflective journal, you are not required to provide references, but if you do use any citations, you will need to provide a reference list.Instructions: Using this Word document, type your responses in a different color and upload to drop box by Sunday @ 11:30 pm. Please keep this document as this information will also be compiled into your midterm Self-Awareness paper. Work smarter, not harder.Emotional Intelligence Domain: Self-Awareness (Level 2 or 3 heading for paper)Ø Define self-awareness as an emotional intelligence domain and what influence this has on becoming an effective communicator.Ø Describe how reflective thinking increases emotional intelligence.Ø Know your story and how it affects you. What were the findings of your EI survey? How can you continue to build your EI intelligence as a student, nurse, and human being?Ø Make peace with your past and practice forgiveness. This is a tough one. Describe a scenario, again leaving out names and other details that would implicate another person. We need to respect one another’s privacy. Speak in hypothetical terms. Sometimes we need to forgive ourselves. Know that whatever you state in your journal, stays between you and me.Ø Share your beliefs, your emotions, and your behavior patterns. As a student in an accelerated or second degree nursing program, how do you respond to the stressors from school, from home, from work? Do you believe your responses or behaviors are equitable to the situation or are they exaggerated or understated?Ø Identify your individual feelings and emotions (anger, sadness, fear, and joy) that you experience in various situations. Think about the past semester again as a student, nurse and human being during a pandemic situation. How did the pandemic alter your way of learning or how you were working or having privileges such as going to a movie? How do you feel about wearing a mask when out in public? Is it too soon to return to normal life and remove social distancing?.