Task: You will develop a lesson plan that follows the 5E learning cycle format. You can use existing resources as long as you provide appropriate citations:1-follow the direction in this fileLearning Cycle Lesson Plan-UpdatedF19.docx2- exampleCPALMS Where Florida Educators Go to Get Bright Ideas. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www. https://educationfoundationsfl.org/blog/resource/cpalms-where-florida-educators-go-to-get-bright-ideas3- the lesson i want you to develophttps://ambitiousscienceteaching.org/high-school-%E2%80%A2-gas-laws-%E2%80%A2-legacy-series/?sf_data=form%2cvc_results&sf_action=get_data&_sft_grades=high-school&sfvc_page_id=74&sfvc_shortcode_id=1495392137100-14ae1e2f-2ed1-3&sfvc_style=all#1479471624903-b0aecf97-376a4-Learning Cycle Lesson Plan TemplateLC-LessonPlan (1).docxpleas follow the direction and the example this website
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