Dear Dr. Viar:The attached report, requested by the students, especially Gohar Petrosyan, Di Liu, Ara Takesian, and Artine Vartanian dated December 1 describes the situation of Parking Lots in GCC, the city of Glendale. We believe you will find the results of this study useful in evaluating future development of parking lots within the college limits.This study was designed to examine student concerns in tree areas.Current and future increasing numbers of student, being admitted and having carsCurrent and future ticket pricesIndirect effects of parking regulationPrimary research consisted of interviews with Gcc students. Secondary research sources included the annual budget of the GCC, online resources. Results of this research , discussed more fully in this report, indicate that existing regulations doesnt exert a significant influence on the parking conditions.We would be pleased to discuss this report and the conclusions with you. Our team thank you for letting us to prepare this comprehensive report.I have to write aboutDISCUSSION OF FINDINGS.
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