Use the module required and optional materials and your own research to respond to the following questions: Locate the Web site for your states health department. Summarize eligibility criteria forAugust 21, 2020/in Health and Mendical /by JosephUse the module required and optional materials and your own research to respond to the following questions:Locate the Web site for your states health department.Summarize eligibility criteria for the Medicaid program in your state of residence.Describe your states Childrens Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP). What is it called? Who is eligible? What services are covered?Length: Submit a 3-page paper, not including the cover page and the reference list.SLP Assignment ExpectationsAssessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric. You can view it under Assessmentsat the top of the page. Review it before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should also follow these Assignment Expectations..
Use the module required and optional materials and your own research to respond to the following questions: Locate the Web site for your states health department. Summarize eligibility criteria for
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