Mass-energy equivalence states that mass is oonoentrated energy. In his dteory of special reiatiyity Einstein formulated the equation E=rnc?2. There is a tremendous amount ol energy in mass. A Eng marble contains as muchenergy as a soc kiloton hydrogen bomb. but this energy is yery dif?cult to release. It can be released through matterantimatter annihilation. when matter and antimatter dome together. Nuclear reactions can be understoodto release so much more energy than chemical reactions because ofthe mass changes. 2} How much mass-energy is there in 1 gram ol matter [about as much mass as a paper clipi? Assuming youcould conyert this entire mass into energy. for how many years oould you mn a 1430 w light bulb orll the energy oontained within this gram of matter?.
Mass-energy equivalence states that mass is oonoentrated energy. In his dteory of special reiatiyity Einstein formulated the equation E=rnc2. There
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