Pluto* 39.5* Pluto has been classified as a planetoid / dwarf planet.2. Using the numbers you computed and entered in the table, place labels clearly showing where each planet should be located on the sketch of a football field above. The Sun is at the Goal line or at 0 yards.3. The farthest astronauts have traveled is to the Moon, which is located about 0.003 AU from the Earth and represents a 3-day journey one-way. Calculate the number of yards (using your scale factor) between Earth and the Moon.4. If it takes 8 years for a spacecraft to travel from Earth to Jupiter, estimate the minimum time it would take to travel from Earth to Saturn. Explain how you arrived at your estimate. Show any calculations..
1. Name a location (city, state; county; province; country) that is about a 1-hour drive from your present location. 2. Approximately how far (in
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