Begin by searching for a computer related job on the internet for which you would apply if you were in the last semester of your degree and ready to begin your career. Identify the individual to whom you should address the email or cover letter.Write both a cover letter (application letter) to be sent in the mail and a cover letter to be sent as an email. What are the differences between the two?Read the following information in the Handbook and brows the URLs provided.Handbook of Technical writing 9th edition (pages 35+, 111+, and 471+) Application email Application letter a separate page of each document you submit for the assignment, include a screen shot of the position you are writing the cover letter for.An email cover letter the email is the cover letter (Do not write an email and a cover letter)Most companies would expect you to write a cover letter, just like a normal letter it should include your name, address and contact details, the contents of the letter should include:You introducing yourselfWhich position you are applying forWhy you are applying for the positionHow your past experiences make you a good fit into the positionA conclusion is a Good Cover Letter1. Constructive, positive and optimistic2. Focuses on the potential employers needs clearly connects qualifications, skills and experience to the advertised position3. The first paragraph causes readers interest and attention4. Has subject line or RE: to refer to the position a person is applying for (for an email only)5. Consistent font size, e.g. Times New Roman 12 or Arial 96. No italics because it is hard to read italics, no bold text (except some special words) and no columns7. No contracted forms such as its or cant, no exclamation marks, no emoticons or other symbols expressing emotions8. Short paragraphs9. It is not a summary of CV or Resume10. Tells the truth11. Does not have To Whom it May Concern12. Maintains consistency and contains appropriate spaces between lines and paragraphs13. No typographic or grammar errors14. No more than one page long (3-6 paragraphs)this website
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