Informal CommunicationsObtain your school or district crisis plan if you have not already done so. If you were not able to obtain a Crisis Management Plan, use the Model School Crisis Management Plan (Virginia Department of Education, 2002) located in the required studies section.Analyze your schools crisis plan and address the following:Explain the communications procedure.Along what paths is information shared?Who contacts whom?Describe the plans contingencies.If key people are missing, how is the procedure different?Who is ultimately responsible for insuring everyone on the list is contacted and follow-up takes place?If there is no one person or office, how does your school prevent the information flow from coming to a standstill?Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.Click here for information on course rubrics.ReferencesVirginia Department of Education Division of Special Education and Student Services. (2002). Model school crisis management plan [PDF]. Retrieved from .
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