WK7Phylum ProfileChoose one of the phylum under the Animal Kingdom, discussed in Chapter 15. Create a profile for that phylum including the following criteria:Explain the key factors that separate this phylum from others in the animal kingdomShow and explain some of the diversity in the phylumAddress the economic impacts, good or bad, of the organisms in the phylumAddress the ecosystem benefits, good or bad, of the organisms in the phylumYour profile should be approximately 500 words in length. Use this template and cite your references.WK8Species on the BrinkUse the US Fish and Wildlife Service, your local conservation agency, or the UNs Red List to create four different trading cards. Include all of the provided information outlined in this template.The four cards should consist of:One Endangered SpeciesOne Threatened SpeciesOne Extinct Species (1600s or sooner)One Recovered Species (removed from threatened or endangered species list)For each card, include:Species nameTypeStatusDistributionDescription of actions leading to declineRecovery planReferenceCreated by.
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