You have to create an E-Poster on what you see as the future of nursing practice and the role of nursing in the emerging health-care environment. You need to predict the future based on present evideAugust 19, 2020/in Health and Mendical /by JosephYou have to create an E-Poster on what you see as the future of nursing practice and the role of nursing in the emerging health-care environment. You need to predict the future based on present evidence.The E-Poster needs to include the following:1. Introduction 2. Statement of the issue3. Evidence supporting the issue 4. Prediction of the future role of the nurse 5. Conclusion 6. References: minimum of three references from peer-reviewed nursing journals (encourage the use of international journals).Articles need to be within the last 3 years unless historical.Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management6th EditionSally A. Weiss MSN, EdD, RN, CNE, ANEFRuth M. Tappen EdD, RN, FAANISBN-13: 978-0-8036-3663-7.
You have to create an E-Poster on what you see as the future of nursing practice and the role of nursing in the emerging health-care environment. You need to predict the future based on present evide
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