PURPOSE Nursing practice is both an art and a science with caring as a central concept to nursing practice and the profession of nursing. Caring is influenced by the nurseâs knowledge, skills, and attitudes formed through lifelong learning and experiences. The purpose of this assessment is to explore definitions of caring in nursing. Students will create a definition of caring and an artistic expression of their perception on caring. COURSE OUTCOMES Through this assessment, the student will meet the following Course Outcomes. CO 1: Examine roles and competencies of masterâs-prepared nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care. CO 2: Apply concepts of person-centered care to nursing practice situations.GRADING CRITERIAIntroduction includes general statements on caring as a nursing concept and why this concept is important to the practice and profession. Identify sections of the paper. Provide support from scholarly literature. Provide your personal definition of caring. Incorporate principles of holistic care. Provide citations from scholarly nursing literature that support and are congruent with your definition of caring.Explain your artistic expression and how it represents caring: see attached drawingMy drawing represents the caring hands of the nurse. The nurse is a link between the healthcare team, family/caregivers, the community, and the patient. The nurse must connect to the patientâs environment to provide holistic care. A nurse is a world educator to maintain and promote health. Provide a summary of key concepts presented in the paper. Provide a self-reflection regarding what was learned from completing this assessmentTitle page, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper (one deduction for each type of APA style error). Ideas and information that come from scholarly sources must be cited and referenced correctly. Three (3) scholarly literature references are used.this website
Caring Concepts in Nursing
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