My question is all about a project status on Hypertension and the rubric is attached to it. Please follow the rubric strictly. Use . citations and references, very important. The assignment was done but incomplete or better still not done right.This is the question belowProject status;For this project assignment, submit a 1-page status of your Project. It may be helpful to use the outline you submitted earlier as your guide. Identify the parts of your project you have completed and those that still need work. Identify areas in which you are experiencing any difficulty and the ways you will plan to overcome the difficulty.RubricIdentifies parts of project completedPoints:2.25 (22.50%)Points:2.4 (24.00%)Points:3 (30.00%)Discusses difficulties or delaysPoints:2.25 (22.50%)Points:2.4 (24.00%)Points:3 (30.00%)Describes ways in which to overcome delays/difficultiesPoints:1.5 (15.00%)Points:1.6 (16.00%)Points:2 (20.00%)Mechanics: Minimum length 1 page. Paper exhibits proper grammar, spelling, style and punctuation of college level writing. Includes title page, page numbers, and is double spaced. Also, a reference page (if applicable).Points:1.5 (15.00%)Points:1.6 (16.00%)Points:2 (20.00%)this website