BSC 2085Pick one of the following topics for your semester research paper report.FILLER TEXTThe report body needs to be about three pages long (ranging from two and one half minimum to five maximum). This does not include a cover page or literature cited (references).You will need to have three peer reviewed references in addition to any popular sources (Wikipedia).You need to follow the MLA format.If you go to the writing lab and have your paper proofed and edited, you will get 5 points added as a bonus.You will need to include a discussion of the history of the disease, how many people it effects (is it common or rare), what are the symptoms and treatments, what is the prognosis, and any other interesting “tidbits” that you have discovered.Topics:BotulismRheumatoid ArthritisBoilsMyathsenia gravisCharcot-Marie Tooth DiseaseFibrodysplasia ossificans progressivaFibrous Dysplasia of BoneBecker’s Muscular DystrophyDuchenne Muscular DystrophyChondromalaciaChondrosarcomaPolymyositisDercum’s DiseasePolychondritisLipedemaEczemaGuillian-Barre SyndromeRestless Leg SyndromeBell’s PalsyLichen PlanusEpilepsyMesotheliomaCreutzfeldt–Jakob Disease (CJD)Fatal-Familial Insomnia.