BOOK INFOGARDNER’S ART THROUGH AGES WESTERN PERSPECTIVES VOL 2 ED: 14TH YR: 2014AUTHOR:KLEINERDOWNLOAD LINKCLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD (DocDro)—————————————————————————————————————————————————————–Individual Assignment 13: The Avant-GardeWhat does it mean to be avant-garde? Choose one work of art from this section of our chapter (1900-1920) that you feel best defines the avant-garde, and compare it to an earlier pre-modern work (any from our textbook that you wish) to make your point. Identify the works by the title, artists, and period, and include images.Since we are discussing Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain in the weekly discussion, please do not choose this artwork.3 paragraphs minimum. – MLA format etc.————————————————————————————————————–Thank Youthis website